In John 5:1-15, we read about a pool in Jerusalem called Bethesda. Around it lay a great number of disabled people — blind, lame, paralyzed. It was believed at that time that an angel would come down from Heaven and stir the water, and the first one to get in the pool would be healed. One man, a paralytic for 38 years, didn’t have a chance to get in the water first. Most likely he was brought to the pool yearly filled with hope that this would be the year he would be healed. Year ...
I have prayed and prayed for God to guide me. He hasn’t answered my prayer. I have asked God for direction for my life. He has not given me direction. What do I do? Gideon (Judges 6) asked God for a sign that the fleece be wet and the ground be dry. Then he asked for the ground to be wet and the fleece dry. God replied as Gideon had requested. What happens when all is wet and all dry at...