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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Candra Barnett • Romania
Vine Primavara! Spring is coming! After a long winter, the flowers in my yard are blooming, and many spiritual seeds are sprouting at last! We are so thankful for all God did this winter, and are looking forward with joy to all He will do this spring and summer!
• Thanksgiving Celebrations — Fall brought Thanksgiving, both American-style and Romanian! The Romanian churches celebrate “Ziua Multumirii” — a day of thanks, one Sunday out of October. Everyone brings things from ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia
Mwatambulwa ku Chabantu Missionary Baptist Church! I say this almost every Sunday morning and during our weekly Bible studies. Mwatambulwa (Mwah-Tom-Bull-Wah) is a Citonga (one of the 72 languages spoken here in Zambia) word that means “you are welcome here.” Chabantu, the name chosen for our first church plant, is also a Citonga word that means “all of the people.” Our heart is to...