All The News|Arkansas State Missions
It was a blessing to meet with the Union Association Sunday night. One of the blessings of going to these meetings is to see friends and to thank people face-to-face for their prayers and support.
Another busy weekend is coming up as we plan to be in Hampton and the Judson Association on Saturday morning and then down to Texarkana for the Harmony on Sunday afternoon.
Make a Concerted Effort!
Vance Havner used to say that church services start at 11 o’clock sharp ...
STUDENT MINISTY: The Value of Being Involved With the Association
I know that, over the years, student ministry workers have avoided being involved in associational meetings and gatherings. We have often looked at those meetings as simply where the “old guys” make decisions about our group of churches. At times, I have had that same mindset. However, that is a very limited view of what happens at associational meetings and gatherings.