All The News
Mount Vernon Brotherhood Meets
By Lance Madden, Reporter
The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met Monday, Sept. 12 at Central Baptist Church in Hughes for our quarterly meeting with 46 in attendance and an offering of $347. The offering will be sent to BMA of Arkansas State Missions.
The host church fed the men a delicious fish and chicken meal with all the trimmings. After congregational singing, Jackie Davis sang a special, Joe Kemmer played several songs on the accordion and Christopher Tucker sang three songs. Paul ...
Time flies, and I will graduate with my EdD in August of 2023. Praise God! I can’t make it without your prayers, support and love, and I am thankful! As planned, after graduation, I will prepare to return to Cambodia’s mission field as a BMA missionary. That will be in 2024.
I am so very excited about that. Up to this moment, I already know exactly what I need to do when my foot touches...