All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: Shadow Boxing Believers
I think most of you know that I am quite a fan of sports. I have been involved with multiple athletic events since I was nine. I was just thinking about the apostle Paul’s frequent references to sporting events. He often spoke of running the race and finishing the course. He even alluded to the sport of boxing.
The Believer Should Train for Service
As he addressed the church at Corinth, Paul shared multiple reasons why believers should be prepared to purposefully and ...
EVERYTHING WE NEED: Peace: Is it Beyond Our Reach?
Every day, our ears and eyes are assaulted with bad and frightening news —rampant crime, drug crises, suicides, sex trafficking, border crises, wars and corruption in government, to name a few. We also see the devastation across the world from earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods — the list goes on. Depression, despair and anxiety are at an all-time high, resulting from the loss of a...