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WMA: Legacy of Giving
By Jackie Ricks
At this time of year, everyone’s mind is on giving and how many Christmas presents to give various loved ones and friends. However, physical gift-giving is not the only thing we should be concerned about. Some families prefer to give something other than a physical gift — perhaps an experience, time or help of some kind. What kind of legacy of giving do you have?
My parents taught me to tithe from an early age. No, I didn’t receive an allowance, but they ...
WMA: Memories - Remembering Them and Making Them
By Cindy Allen
Ready or not, the holiday season is upon us. Once again, it looks a little different for our family this year since my mother-in-law passed away last spring. It makes me reflect over the years. How many times have we celebrated a first without a precious family member? However, we can’t be truly sad because we know they are celebrating with Jesus, not just during the...