Shiloh Baptist Church, McRae Organizes WMA
By Sharon Cole, WMA President
Shiloh Baptist Church in McRae organized a Women’s Missionary Auxiliary (WMA) on Aug. 21, with 11 members participating. Mt. Calvary District WMA President Linda Quattlebum welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. District Secretary Patsy Jones acted as secretary pro tem.
Leading in singing was 1st Vice President and District Song Leader Kreola Shireman. Arkansas State WMA 2nd Vice President Robin Tyler was also present.
Kreola Shireman gave a brief explanation of the purpose of WMA. The church elected WMA President Sharon Cole, who then presided over the election of the following officers: 1st Vice President Dawn Towns, Secretary/Treasurer Vickey Langley, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer Montana Kennedy, Teacher/Bible Leader Rhonda Howard and Asst. Teacher/Bible Study Leader Omiejean Carey.
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