All The News|Obituaries
Wife of Former BMA Pastor/Missionary Dies
Charlotte Winifred Turner, 84 of Hughes Springs, Texas, passed away March 10. Her husband of 66 years, Ray Duane Turner, is a former BMA of America interstate missionary to Denver, Colo. and BMA pastor of many churches in Texas. He also served as the director of ministry development at the BMA Texas Baptist Home for Children and as the National Galilean Director.
Mrs. Turner was the first to preside over the election of officers when the National Girls Missionary Auxiliary (GMA) was ...
CBC Seeks Accreditation For An MBA Degree
By Jessica Faulkner, Director of Alumni and Public Relations
Central Baptist College recently announced that it will begin seeking accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) and the addition of a master’s degree in business (MBA). CBC President Terry Kimbrow said, “The success and high academic quality of our undergraduate business degrees have...