Discipleship involves teaching people, through information and demonstration, to love and lead like Jesus. Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (I Cor. 11:1). Just dumping information does not produce transformation. The root of the problem is a lack of discipleship, and the fruit it produces is a lack of multiplying disciples and leaders. Think of shifting your focus from doing to developing, with your eyes fixed on the truth that leadership development is an ...
“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (I Tim. 5:17 NIV).
Karen and I first became acquainted with Terry Kimbrow and his wife, Tricia when they moved to Memphis as newlyweds. They joined Sky Lake Baptist Church and were such blessing to us. Terry was a young, but efficient assistant manager at...