All The News|In My Own Words
In My Own Words
In My Own Words
In My Own Words… that’s the title I’ve settled on for this column. I appreciate Editor Jeff Herring for inviting me to share in the ministry of the Trumpet. It’s not my first trip around the block writing a monthly article for the Trumpet. Back in the day, I penned a weekly Trumpet article answering questions from students. I really enjoyed doing that. Some didn’t enjoy all of my answers to those questions, but looking back, I’m not sure that I agree with all of ...
Accepting The Invitation
Claire stood on the rooftop. The winds blowing her hair and scarves in a profusion of bright colors and silken strands were cool and refreshing as she proudly observed the wide plain around her father’s city of Jericho. Some fields were flat and bright colored with the ripening harvest, others were a pale green as the crops began afresh from the soft mud of the recently flooded...