All The News|BMA of America
Methods of Multiplication Matter
By Dr. John David Smith, President • BMAA Missions
Graphic: MW Methods of Multiplication
By Dr. John David Smith, President • BMAA Missions
Methods of multiplication matter! Jesus both commanded and exemplified multiplication, so does that mean we can do whatever we want and use whatever means necessary to increase our numbers? That would be a resounding, No!
First of all, our mandate is not to merely increase our numbers; we are commanded to make disciples ...
Our God Saves
By Jordan M. Tew, Executive Director • Baptist Publishing House
“Dear Jesus, I am a sinner, save me!” Many men, women and children have said those words. There is a profound sense of faith and repentance within such a prayer. When people pray like this, they are expressing their desire to be saved by God. The good news is that our God saves.
I am reminded here of the...