All The News|BMA of Arkansas
CBC Services for the BMA of Arkansas Meeting
By Duffy Guyton, CBC Director of Church Relations
Central Baptist College is grateful and honored to welcome the pastors, ministers and messengers of the BMA of Arkansas to the CBC campus for the BMA of Arkansas Annual Session, which will be held on Nov. 3-4.
All the breakout sessions on Thursday, Nov. 3 from 1-2:30 p.m. are on the third floor of the Watkins Building, and the BMA of Ark. State Missions Committee will meet in the Mitchell Lecture Hall on the second floor of the Watkins ...
See You Next Week!
By Michael Battenfield, President • BMA of Arkansas
We are just a week out from the 93rd Annual Session of the BMA of Arkansas and the associated activities and meetings. I pray that you have attendance and participation in this year’s meetings on your calendar and have made hotel reservations (if necessary) so you won’t miss any part of this year’s packed event! But even more...