All The News|BMA of Arkansas
Remember, Jesus Is For All the Churches
By Tony Crocker, President • BMA of Arkansas
Revelation contains an extremely needed message for our churches right now. Most of us read this book with rapt attention to the visions unfolding from broken seals, trumpets and bowls. But the bookends, the first and last chapters, though not as vivid, are among the most comforting words in Scripture. With a little thought, we can easily see why.
Some years ago, these first chapters of Revelation settled a conversation about ...
Update on the Situation in Lebanon
By Charlie Costa, MENA Coordinator • BMA Global
Executive Editor’s Note: I spoke with Bro. Charlie, and he shared that he was not able to have a column this week due to the current circumstances in Beirut, but he wanted to share an update on the situation and ask for your prayers. He also shared details about an upcoming trip to the USA and when he will be available to share with...