Be An Informed Voter

All The News|Premium Content|Feature Writers

Be An Informed Voter

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      We are not a partisan publication. Our mission is to keep you informed about everything related to the BMA on every level, as well as important information for Christians seeking to live their lives for the Lord. As Christians, we should do our part to elect government representatives from the local level to the highest levels of government who best represent our Christian values.       The Billy Graham organization addressed the issue of choosing not to vote with this ...
THE POINT IS . . . Failure!

THE POINT IS . . . Failure!

0 64
All The News | Premium Content | Feature Writers
      In our success-driven world, people often fear failure. Notice that some of the world’s greatest men failed before they ever succeeded. There was a military general who lost two-thirds of all battles he fought in the American Revolutionary War. His name was General George Washington, but he won the war. Another military leader graduated 42nd out of a class of 43. Napoleon then went out...


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