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“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, is the rock eternal” (Isa. 26:3-4 NIV1984).
We are starting a new year and have no idea what lies ahead. Wars and conflicts are constant in our world. Terror reigns everywhere — in our own country, our states, our cities and even in our own communities. Obviously, we will find no peace from those various directions.
Perfect peace is ...
GREEN PASTORS...Greener Pastors
Malcolm Gladwell, a Canadian journalist, proposed that for a person to become an expert in something, they needed to invest about 10,000 hours. Do the math, and you will find that 416 straight days without breaks for sleep, hygienic care or distraction are needed to put the time into becoming an expert. How much time could a person commit to working on a particular task sustainably in a...