JUST THINKING: Avoiding Apathy

All The News|Just Thinking

JUST THINKING: Avoiding Apathy

0 449
         I’m sure you have heard of some who have a “don’t care attitude.” The word for such is apathy. Apathy is a lack of concern, interest or zeal. It is being indifferent. In this day and time, apathy is something believers must avoid.          I was just thinking how much this malady is affecting our generation. Sadly, it affects many believers! The Impact of Circumstances          What happens around us usually impacts people in one of two ways — positively or negatively. If ...
STATE MISSIONS: All Churches are Welcome on God's Team!

STATE MISSIONS: All Churches are Welcome on God's Team!

0 472
All The News | Arkansas State Missions
I sometimes wonder what happened historically regarding the planting of new churches. When I was growing up in the local church, and even in my initial days of pastoring, there seemed to be little to absolutely no emphasis given to planting new gospel churches. Therefore, it seems as though we are behind the curve in penetrating the lostness of our world — locally, in our state,...


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