All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
Saturation Evangelism
The word saturation means “to fill completely with something that permeates.” Saturation evangelism has been defined as “an approach to spreading the gospel that functions much like leaven in bread dough. Its purpose is to spread the gospel until an entire area is permeated and affected.” It describes a passion for evangelism. It is not taking on the “whole” world, but rather taking responsibility for “your” world. In God Dreams, Will Mancini states, “We will define a geographical area ...
Doug and Diane Lee • Philippines
Because of COVID, we have not been able to have College Week for two years. College Week is an annual event at the college the week after mid-term exams. It gives the students a chance to unwind and have a time of fun, games and camaraderie. Donna Scroggins was a fantastic sponsor this year with four teams. It was an incredible time of sports, talent...