Lucille “Ms. E.” Edwards, 83 of Jacksonville, Texas passed away Aug. 12. She was the widow of the late Mart Edwards, who pastored churches in Texas, including Travis Street Baptist Church at Jacksonville and his last pastorate, Frankston Baptist Church at Frankston.
She was lovingly known as “Ms. E” during her 20+ years of teaching. She was a member of Friendship Baptist Church for many years.
Survivors include: four daughters, Renessa Parsley, Sharon Loftin, Marleen Edwards and ...
In the previous two articles, I shared that at the end of the age it’s foretold we will face two great spiritual dangers — the Great Apostasy and the Great Deception. Both are tied with the rise of the Antichrist. The apostasy or turning away occurs due to the persecution his rise brings. Specifically, this is said to be done as beheadings. The deception or delusion is caused by the miracles...