All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: Eye-Opening Experiences
I was just thinking about the lyrics to John Newton’s great hymn, “Amazing Grace,”and how many times I sang it in church without really stopping to consider its great lyrics. The phrase that impacted me says, “I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.” How true those words are for each believer.
Those words reminded me of the prophet Elisha and his servant, Gehazi, in the Valley of Dothan, as recorded in II Kings 6:8-14. The king of Aram (present-day Syria) was at war ...
File: BMA Financial Before You Buy
By Dr. Steve Crawley, Executive Director • BMA Financial
We live in a consumeristic society that offers instant gratification. With the click of the mouse, Amazon can deliver virtually anything imaginable to our doorstep, often by the next day. As stewards of God’s resources, we may need to be more mindful about whether the items or services we are about to purchase are really...