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HEALTHY CHURCH: Learning How to Say No!
Saying no is difficult for many, especially if you are a people pleaser. The fine art of learning when and how to say no is a necessary skill set. You need it, and you can learn to develop it. Robby Gallaty, in Rediscovering Discipleship, used the acrostic K.I.S.S. to remind us of how to evaluate our ministry. What do we need to Keep? What do we need to Increase? What do we need to Start? And What do we need to Stop? It's easier said than done, but the process of stopping some ...
EVERYTHING WE NEED: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Christmas has come and gone, and we have started a new year. The excitement of the Christmas season slowly fades into the background. Regardless of the pleasure gifts bring us at the time, they will not last forever. Toys break, kids’ interests change, jewelry is lost, clothes wear out or no longer fit — and we are no longer satisfied.
Except… “For God so loved the world that...