All The News|CBC Profile
CBC PROFILE: Board of Trustee Meeting Highlights
The Central Baptist College Board of Trustees met May 31 and June 1. The three standing committees of the board (academic, advancement and finance) met Friday evening to conduct business and hear recommendations from the CBC Executive Leadership Team. The full board convened Saturday morning. All members of the Executive Leadership Team and the Faculty Council moderator gave reports relative to his/her areas of responsibility. Each committee secretary gave a report of his/her ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Navigating Your Failures
None of us like to admit it, but those of us in ministry make mistakes and fail just as often as laypeople. In some ways, we have more opportunities to fail. Miscommunication, unmet expectations and general blunders can stack up if you are working with people. It is a simple reality of ministry life. The tricky part is when you don’t even realize you messed up. It is heartbreaking for...