All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic
STAND FIRM: The Epic Story of Truth (part 6)
So far, in this summarized retelling of the complete narrative in Scripture that includes the subjects that are often seen as fringe topics such as prophecy, God’s continued plan for Israel and the unseen world, we’ve looked at the major events in Genesis and their hints to their resolutions or parallels at the end of the age. We started with creation and the flood. These are events we know will be repeated and resolved.
The original creation that was cursed following Adam ...
STAND FIRM: The Epic Story of Truth (Part 5): Disobedience, Disinheritance And the Lord’s Portion
In continuing this overview of the single narrative running throughout Scripture — the true epic story — we are bouncing back to Genesis. We began with Creation and, after Adam and Eve were punished and the earth was cursed, God declared that a Promised One would come. This Promised One would defeat Satan and bring about the restoration of not just mankind, but the world. That led us to...