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Middle East Ministry Update
By Charles Costa, MENA Regional Coordinator • BMA Global
Many of our people have called or emailed to check on us, the Costa family, and the BMA missions team in the Middle East in light of the current conflict. At the writing of these lines, I am in the US, while the rest of the family is back in Beirut and Jordan. So far, all are safe and have what they need.
Our Commitment
A few years ago, we had a family powwow and made a joint decision on what to do in times like ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Michael & Laura Beth Strong • Minneapolis, Minn.
“Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman (tested by trial) who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth” (II Tim. 2:15 AMP).
Quite a bit has happened since I last wrote. I want to share some highlights with you.
• God is forging our identity in Christ. I have been praying for...