All The News|Student Ministry Matters
What Are You Looking For In a Youth Pastor?
This week, I am preparing to preach at my church. I love it when I have that opportunity. Our teaching pastor will be out, so this guy is on deck. In preparation for continuing our study on David, I have been looking at I Samuel 16, where David is anointed as the next king of Israel. Verse seven (ESV) says, “…For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
As director of the BMA of Arkansas Youth Department, I receive ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Dealing With Death
Whether you are a lead pastor or a youth pastor, dealing with death is a part of the job. I often wonder if the number of funerals I attend in a year surpasses the number most people attend in a lifetime. It is never easy, especially if it is a young person, but the nature of our calling to pastor our people points us to be there when our people experience loss and sorrow. If you grew...