Michael & Laura Beth Strong • Minneapolis, Minn.
We are joyfully working to fulfill our commission to start a disciple-making movement that results in a church-planting movement. Please take a second to visit our YouTube channel to like and subscribe by going to tiny.cc/strong. By subscribing, you will help us have the ability to record live videos. To do that, we need a minimum number of subscriptions. Every subscription helps! Thanks in advance!
• Mike was able to take ...
Larry & Tammy Wood • Eastern Europe
• Everlasting Smiles Christmas Shoebox Ministry — We are so excited for Everlasting Smiles boxes to be coming to Ukraine this year. Because of the war in Ukraine, children and their families are having a really hard time. Many of them have lost their homes and people they love. Their lives have been turned upside down, nothing in their world is normal...