All The News|BMA Missions|Spotlight On Missions
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Michael & Laura Beth Strong • Minneapolis, Minn.
Michael & Laura Beth Strong • Minneapolis, Minn.
We are joyfully working to fulfill our commission to start a disciple-making movement that results in a church-planting movement. Please take a second to visit our YouTube channel to like and subscribe by going to By subscribing, you will help us have the ability to record live videos. To do that, we need a minimum number of subscriptions. Every subscription helps! Thanks in advance!
• Mike was able to take ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Larry & Tammy Wood • Eastern Europe
Larry & Tammy Wood • Eastern Europe
• Everlasting Smiles Christmas Shoebox Ministry — We are so excited for Everlasting Smiles boxes to be coming to Ukraine this year. Because of the war in Ukraine, children and their families are having a really hard time. Many of them have lost their homes and people they love. Their lives have been turned upside down, nothing in their world is normal...