All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
HEALTHY CHURCH: Be Strong and Courageous
2023 is about to end, with the opportunity of a new year before us. What will your church do with the challenge to live courageously the principles and truths of God’s Word? Courage can be defined in many ways, but one definition by W. Phillip Keller is “the willingness to obey God regardless of personal cost.” That describes an unwavering obedience without compromise or hesitation. It is driven by fearing God more than fearing what man may think or do to you. Today’s world’s ...
Years ago in a revival meeting, at the end of every service, Pastor Rufus Crawford would end the meeting by singing, “Little is Much When God Is in It!” The truth of that song being sung every night was a great reminder that Jesus is more interested in the quality of our walk with Him than the number of people present. Jesus likened His kingdom to a mustard seed and leaven. Henry...