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STUDENT MINISTRY: Christmastime is Here
The holidays are upon us. As I write, it is one week from Christmas Eve. Hopefully, that statement didn’t send you into a panic — “I have presents to buy! I have cookies to make! I am so far behind.” All of us can get caught up in the “doing” of Christmas and miss some prime time of growth and connection. It is especially true for those of us in ministry. We have events to coordinate and final moments of gathering to observe. It can feel like you are responsible for the success or ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Taking Christmas to the Community
I know we are well into the Christmas season, but I have been wondering how many of us have carried the holidays outside our homes and church buildings. It is easy to keep our celebrations and service within those walls. We love our people and want to celebrate them and the season well. We have Christmas musicals, Sunday school parties, home gatherings and more. However, if we aren’t...