All The News|Just Thinking
The First Leader - Dr. Gerald Kellar
The division from the American Baptist Association took place in Lakeland, Fla. in 1950. With that came the North American Baptist Association with a new direction and, as a result, new leadership. That new association of churches in 1968 became the Baptist Missionary Association of America due to some confusion titling with another group of Baptists. As the new group assembled in Little Rock later in 1950, the first president was elected to moderate the assembly and to help mark out a ...
A Trailblazer In Christian Education
I appreciate that so many have contacted me asking that I continue to write about Trailblazers of the BMA. I have been blessed to have known each of these about whom I have written. With this resuming article, I am writing about one of my very favorite instructors when I was a student at Central Baptist College in the 1960s.
Kenneth Ray Brown was a trailblazer in Christian education in...