The facts are in — the longer the tenure of the pastor the greater the potential for a more fruitful lasting impact. The enemy knows it and will throw up every obstacle he can to make sure it does not happen. There will be disappointments, discouragement and even some depression at times. In the tenure of a pastor, years 6-10 have been referred to as “the time of fruit and harvest.” Studies and research point to this time period as when a church is “likely to experience some of its best ...
Is God telling you it is time to move to another ministry? Do you have the peace of God in your decision to move on or is there great inner turmoil? Make sure you are abiding in Him and His Word is abiding in you. When you are in His will, you have His calming presence; and conversely, there will be great unrest when you are not. Do your wife and family have peace about this decision? What do...