All The News|BMA Missions|Spotlight On Missions
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Brandon & Brittney Lingle • Thailand
We are so thankful for those of you take time to read this update, check on us and pray for us. Here are a few updates about our ministry:
• We Found a Place — It’s clear for us that God answered our prayers. We found a great place to live and do ministry in. It was a two-in-one deal. We were able to take a survey trip to the new city we will be moving to and, during that time, searched for places to live. Before we left for the trip, every time Brandon prayed with the ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Michael & Laura Beth Strong • Minneapolis, Minn.
It’s a new year, and we are in a time of assessment and planning. I am seeking the Lord as to how He desires to accomplish the work He has for us.
• Ending (And Beginning) On A High Note — We ended the year celebrating the coming of Christ through the incarnation, and we are beginning the year planning in light of His second coming. He has guaranteed success in reaching all...