All The News|Arkansas State Missions
It was my privilege to bring the morning message at my home church in Brookland. The message was entitled, “Growing Pains.” Connection Point is one of our newest churches having organized last August. A special thank you to my son and pastor, Chad for the opportunity and to the Lord for His guidance.
Annual Spring Advisory Committee Meeting
It was that time again — when we call all our current missionaries to meet with us at the office in Little Rock. We are mandated by the ...
STATE MISSIONS: Sweeter and Sweeter
God continues to bless your State Missions work. The stranglehold of COVID is loosening and things are beginning to return to normal, although I doubt it will ever be the same. Some are seeing a surge in first-time visitors, while others are developing ways to better minister to those in their areas.
New Kid on the Block
Bryan and Kelley Clay have begun to make contacts in the...