All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic
STAND FIRM: April 8 Eclipse - How Should It Be Interpreted (Part 1)
How should we biblically and prophetically interpret the second of the “x” Total Eclipses that passes over the US on April 8?
I don’t know, but many YouTubers and that guy at your work seem to know. That’s why I’m writing about it. I really don’t want to write this or even wade into this discussion, but I just keep seeing what I believe are biblical interpretative errors in how this eclipse is being addressed.
Nearly all the viral videos proclaiming this eclipse is ...
STAND FIRM: Prophecy Fulfilled Before Our Eyes (Part 3)
While in Israel, as I saw evidence of the recent attacks and events on the ground and heard from experts living there, I felt three prophecies were unfolding before my eyes. As I have clarified in sharing about each of those, we must not forget the fact that Jews are back in the land is a huge fulfillment of prophecy, but other prophecies in Scripture foretell what will happen after...