All The News|BMA Missions|Spotlight On Missions
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Cris & Alicia Samson • The Philippines
2023 was a great year! A lot of things happened and a lot of changes came our way. Sometimes, change can be an unwelcome and unpleasant experience, but for us, it has proven to be pleasant.
We first arrived back in the Philippines in May of 2023. We knew what we would be doing once we returned, but we didn’t know exactly what it would look like and from where our work would primarily be done. Before leaving the Philippines in 2022 to return to the U.S. for a complicated ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickael & Sharon Quillman • Zambia
Life in Zambia moves slowly — in the majority of Africa, actually. Think of the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. As Americans, we are often the hare in the story. I would like to think that, over the past years, we would have adapted and become accustomed to this life — the life of waiting. We know to allow extra time in our schedules for the waiting any place we go. We have...