STAND FIRM: Millenial Kingdom - Promises Left on Table

All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic

STAND FIRM: Millenial Kingdom - Promises Left on Table

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I have fallen in love with talking about the Millennial Kingdom and sharing all the details the Bible provides. The details of that 1,000-year period of Jesus ruling on earth are fascinating and provide a real, tangible perspective of Heaven,or more accurately “the age to come,” for believers. I laid the groundwork for the Millennial Kingdom by discussing the “phases” of Heaven in the previous article and was ready to dive deep into the details of the kingdom and share how Heaven is far ...
STAND FIRM: Heaven is Better Than We Can Imagine (Part 2)

STAND FIRM: Heaven is Better Than We Can Imagine (Part 2)

0 309
All The News | Stand Firm and Live Epic
In my previous article, I wrote that I believe we don’t think as highly of Heaven as we should or I guess could, and I believe it’s because of unbiblical misconceptions of the age to come. So, if our misconceptions lead to us understanding Heaven wrong, then what are the right conceptions? One of the misconceptions I should’ve listed last week is that we can’t know much about Heaven...


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