All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic
STAND FIRM: The Promised One's Death Was Necessary, But Wasn't Permanent
In this attempt to tell the running narrative of Scripture to help us see the big picture as well as see how often fringe topics such as God’s continued plan for Israel or the end of the age fit in with the rest of the Bible, we looked in the last article at how the Promised King or Messiah came but was soon crucified. This would make it seem that the narrative was over and the promises would never come to pass, but the same prophets that foretold of this Messiah and His kingdom also ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Church On The Move
Movement is “the act or process of moving, especially a change of place or posture. It is a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit, a maneuver.” Movement involves action and activity with a series of organized activities working toward an objective. Pardon the simplicity, but movement implies you are moving. At its inception in the Scriptures, the church was essentially a...