All The News|Just Thinking
Memorial Day - Not Just Another Holiday
I was just thinking about family, friends and fellow soldiers who have died while serving their country — our country. That brought me to once again consider that Memorial Day is not just another holiday. It’s not merely a time for people to have a day off from work or school. No, Memorial Day is much more!
It is not a day to honor veterans. I am a veteran of the United States Army. I served four and a half years during the Vietnam conflict. However, I am not a Vietnam vet. While I ...
VBS: Scriptures Learned-Memories Made
As I have driven various streets in Little Rock this past week, I have seen many yard signs advertising various Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) to be held in the coming weeks. As a result, I was just thinking about how good it is for churches to continue what has been a decades-long tradition.
What is VBS? Actually, it is a form of religious education scaled down to a week or less. Back in...