“The mountains surround Jerusalem and the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever” (Psa. 125:2 CSB).
Topography is the study of the earth’s surfaces. A topographical map shows the elevations of mountains and hills, as well as the depths of valleys and low places. Contour lines feature how the hills and valleys slope. The map details the earth’s physical features in a particular area. If you look at a topographical map of the area around Jerusalem, you will see how this verse ...
“I lift my eyes to you, the one enthroned in heaven. Like a servant’s eyes on his master’s hand, like a servant girl’s eyes on her mistress’s hand, so our eyes are on the Lord our God until he shows us favor” (Psa. 123:1-2 CSB).
A little while ago, I visited one of the presidential libraries near me. In the museum was a replica of the oval office. Everything was exactly as it was when the...