All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: America, Your Foundations are Crumbling
Since our nation will celebrate it 248th birthday next week, I was just thinking about how things have certainly taken a turn for the worse. Just in my 78 years on the planet, things have changed — drastically! The patriots’ dream has become a nightmare! Instead of a nation of united states, we have become a house divided… in so many ways.
The Bible states, “So Jesus called them over to him and began to speak to them in parables: ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom ...
JUST THINKING: Glorious Prognoses For God's People
I feel for the many people who worry so much. (I’ve been blessed to not be one who worries.) I was just thinking about those who go to their physicians due to a health issue. The doctor pulls up his stool and takes a seat. His shoulders drop, then he says, “I have to tell you that you have this terrible disease.” When the patient asks what he means, he responds, “If untreated, you have...