All The News|Leave It To Cleaver
LEAVE IT TO CLEAVER: Lessons From Esther
The main characters in the Book of Esther are Ahasuerus (king of Persia), Vashti (deposed queen), Mordecai (captive Benjaminite), Esther/Hadassah (niece of Mordecai) and Haman (Jewish enemy). This book does not mention the name of God, yet He is all around, over and through the book. The book is the source of the Jewish celebration of Purim, a time of celebration and food plus costumes for children.
Practical Lessons of Permanent Value from Esther
• Divine Sovereignty — ...
LEAVE IT TO CLEAVER: When God Doesn't Guide
I have prayed and prayed for God to guide me. He hasn’t answered my prayer. I have asked God for direction for my life. He has not given me direction. What do I do? Gideon (Judges 6) asked God for a sign that the fleece be wet and the ground be dry. Then he asked for the ground to be wet and the fleece dry. God replied as Gideon had requested. What happens when all is wet and all dry at...