All The News|Student Ministry Matters
STUDENT MINISTRY: Signs of a Healthy Student Ministry - Outwardly Focused
Student ministry can be a tricky thing. If we aren’t careful, it can be entirely focused on activity and fun. One of the big things I have learned over the years is that type of impact is fleeting. We may have had big numbers and lots of involvement, however, the underlying principles of our ministries may not have been set on solid concepts. If we want to have a lasting impact on our students, we must focus on the right things.
One of those right things is having an outwardly focused ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Signs of a Healthy Student Ministry - Parentally Connected
Several months ago, I shared a series of articles entitled “Signs of a Healthy Student Ministry.” We discussed being Gospel-Centered, Bible-Centric, Prayer-Infused, Church-Integrated and Relationship-Driven. After revisiting these concepts for a workshop I would be preasenting with a number of BMA of Mississippi youth leaders, I realized that I had left one off, Parentally-Connected.