All The News|Spotlight On Missions
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia
The last couple of months have been very busy but exciting. This is a quick update on some of the things that have been going on.
First, our chiefdom has finally received our new chief, Senior Chief Emmanuel Sekute. It has been over three years since the chiefdom has had a chief after the passing of the late Senior Chief Sekute. I have met many times with Chief Emmanuel Sekute and am hopeful this relationship will continue as we spread the gospel through his Chiefdom. Along ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri
We are filled with joy and gratitude to share some blessed news and updates about our ministry!
• Upcoming Leadership Training — By God’s grace, we will be hosting an intensive leadership training program July 18-22. This training will gather leaders from our local ministry and our Zimbabwe ministry. We aim to equip our leaders with the spiritual and practical tools they...