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STAND FIRM: The Great Deception Trap is Set (Part III)
Revelation 13 provides an overview of the end-time scenario hinted at throughout Scripture. In this chapter, the Apostle John shares a vision of a beast coming from the earth and a beast from the sea. It’s easy to get lost in the beast terminology, but the details are consistent with end-time prophecy elsewhere. The first beast, or beast from the sea, matches the details of the Antichrist, while the second beast introduces a new figure — the false prophet. Beyond his actions, the ...
STAND FIRM: The Great Deception Trap is Set (part 2)
Editor’s Note: See the first part of this article on page 6 of the Aug. 17 issue.
I hope the previous article in which I wrote, “Islam could possibly be the religion of the Antichrist,” piqued your interest and, even more so, Islam’s possible role in the Great Deception. Again, there isn’t a verse that explicitly points to Islam playing this role, but as I’ve written extensively, the Bible...