All The News|Lifeword Cloud
LIFEWORD: Packets Are On Their Way!
By Jennifer Harrell, Director Of Church Relations • Lifeword
Churches, be on the lookout for your Lifeword Sunday packets! These will include important information for the Oct. 23 event and how you can best support Lifeword’s media ministry. Visit to register your church, download the Lifeword Sunday video and order your T-shirts.
Lifeword is reaching millions of people around the world every day. The gospel is currently being shared in ...
Tinoco Uses Technology to Reach Tarma and Tribes
Lifeword Global Partner and BMA Pastor Paul Tinoco has been a part of the BMA since 1996 when he wrote an unsigned thank you letter that eventually found its way to BMAA Missionary to Bolivia Jimmy Swindoll. The letter praised Lifeword’s El Contacto Cristiano radio program and its preaching of sound doctrine, along with a request to join the association, which was granted. During a medical...