All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
Re:Charge Leader's Conference
By Heidi Sorrells
Three years ago, Larry Barker and the BMA conference team sat down to dream about a conference for pastors, their wives and church ministry leaders who were soldiering in ministry trenches almost 24/7. It was 2020, and COVID had only exacerbated burnout, anxiety, loneliness and decision fatigue. Associational leaders wanted to help and do something to thank and help renew these weary hearts.
Larry’s pastoring role at Cornerstone Baptist in Jacksonville, Texas, ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Keeping Your Buckets Filled
Leading on Empty is a book by Wayne Cordeiro, but it can also be a reality in your life. How do you keep your tank full and your passion renewed? There are four buckets Hal Seed says need to be kept full — spiritual practices, character strengths, relational skills and ministry experience. My last article (see the Aug. 23 issue) focused on the first two, so today we will cover relational...