All The News|Leave It To Cleaver
I see it on television, read it in the print media and find among my friend’s social media — politics, politics, politics.
“Did you hear what he said?”
“Did you hear what she is going to do?”
“Those people who are going to vote for him/her are simply idiots.”
“My politician will change our country so much for the better you will not be able to recognize its grandeur.”
Our country is awash in political fervor and blather, and it seems it ...
LEAVE IT TO CLEAVER: The Gospel - Red or Blue?
The gospel is neither “red” nor “blue.” Our country is inundated with red and blue political chatter. To the blue folks, red folks are considered to be too religious. Conversely, those who are red see blue folks as not being religious enough.
The genuine gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no other gospel Christianity can believe or advocate. It is the...