All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
Building Missional Capacity
Mobilization moves your church from spiritual health to living on God’s mission daily. The tracks for moving the church forward in God’s mission are built on the rails of building biblical knowledge (what you know) and building biblical character (who you are). Biblical knowledge is your biblical literacy and I.Q. It stresses the importance of handling the Word of God correctly. The other rail running parallel to biblical knowledge is biblical character and behavior. This is the application ...
Building Tracks To Move Forward
Mobilization is described by Todd Wilson and Rob Wegner in Made for More this way: “The role of the local church is to be the mobilizing home base. This empowers all disciples to discover their personal calling and then deploy them to express the fullness of Jesus into every corner of culture and into every sphere of society.” You must ask this question up front, in your life and in your...