All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
HEALTHY CHURCH: Think Small, Not Big
In the church world today, there seems to be a focus on the biggest gatherings, attendance size, large groups and numbers. These metrics drive whether you feel worthwhile and validated or not. In No Silver Bullets, Daniel Im stated, “God is more concerned with your faithfulness than your fame. Ministry to the few is as important as ministry to the many.” The Scriptures certainly teach this foundational truth, but leaders often struggle when their efforts appear to go unrewarded and ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Silent But Deadly
You have choices to make every single day. Yes, some things are out of your control, but there are things you can control by your choices. Will I pray? Will I read my Bible? Will I forgive?
At the end of Joshua’s life, he said to Israel, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Josh. 24:15). Caleb was a contemporary of Joshua, and these two men chose to believe God meant...