All The News|CBC Profile
CBC Announces New Majors And Grant for Ministry Students
By Terry Kimbrow, President • Central Baptist College
Executive Editor’s Note: This is a portion of CBC’s regular profile article. Please see page 2 for some other exciting updates from the admissions team.
CBC is excited to announce two new initiatives in their Bible and Bible-related majors. First, beginning in Fall 2023, a tuition discount of 50% will be offered in major classes for any full-time student majoring in Bible or a Bible-related major who indicates a desire to be ...
CBC PROFILE: PACE New Student Grant
Are you busy during the day, but always wanted to start a college degree or finish the one you’ve already started? We have great news! Central Baptist College’s PACE program has a $1,470 grant opportunity for new students! Classes are only five weeks long, meet one night per week and are offered in-class, online or as a hybrid option. Register by April 25for Block 4 classes, or by July 3 for...