All The News|Bottom of The 9th
It's About Perspective
Several months ago, the Celebration Baptist Church (CBC) crew fulfilled their commitment to the Arkansas Highway Department’s Adopt-A-Highway program. For those who may not be familiar with the program, groups like CBC volunteer to pick up trash for a one mile stretch of highway. CBC’s stretch included one mile of Interstate 30 near the Haskell exit.
While picking up trash, the group noticed a car pulled to the shoulder of the road with an apparent flat tire. There were three young men ...
RESOURCE: Simply Prayer by Bill Elliff
After a short break, the Friday morning men’s group at our church resumed its weekly sessions. After completing a survey of Nehemiah, the question was posed, “What next?” The group settled on the subject of prayer and to use Simply Prayer by Bill Eliff as a study guide. That proved to be a defining moment! The study has been truly transformational for the men. A Sunday morning group then...