All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: It's A Matter of Time
I was just thinking — this year is quickly coming to a close, and we will be entering a New Year in just a few days. It seems the older I get, the faster time flies!
Time — what a unique word! We use the word time to describe seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia. We can add to that birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
It’s a Matter of Time
We are in the midst of what is commonly called “’the holidays.” It’s about saying, “Merry ...
JUST THINKING: When Sadness Turns to Gladness
I was just thinking about how, to many, the Christmas holidays are by no means festive. The effects of the holidays on a large number of people are loneliness, reclusiveness and sadness. Memories from years gone by, heartaches due to the loss of loved ones and being at a distance from family, all contribute to the sadness experienced by people of all ages and from all walks of life.