Things We Say (Part Two) All The News|Just Thinking Things We Say (Part Two) I was just thinking about a few more things we say that are not really accurate. “He Got His Angel Wings” This is often said when a...
The Things We Say All The News|Just Thinking The Things We Say Several years ago, I wrote an article with this same title, but as I was just thinking about that, I realized that we still say one...
The First Leader - Dr. Gerald Kellar All The News|Just Thinking The First Leader - Dr. Gerald Kellar The division from the American Baptist Association took place in Lakeland, Fla. in 1950. With that came the North American Baptist Association...
A Trailblazer In Christian Education All The News|Just Thinking A Trailblazer In Christian Education I appreciate that so many have contacted me asking that I continue to write about Trailblazers of the BMA. I have been blessed to have known each...